Thursday, December 9, 2010

Couch Presents

Ryan was studying on the couch next to me when I heard a clunk and a "That was my last pen!" Confused I looked over at him.

"Do you have another pen?" he asked.

"No, you stole the last one out of my purse on Sunday."


A couple hours later, I was doing my makeup on the couch. I accidentally dropped my mascara into the crack. Aw man! I made the foot rest come out thinking it sunk to the very bottom. Instead of my mascara, I saw 3 pens! I pulled them out and put them on the couch next to Ryan.

"My pens!" he exclaimed happily.

I then dug on the side of the couch trying to find my makeup. Instead I encountered something big and hard. "What in the world?" I thought to myself as I yanked it out. Behold, a calculator!

"Yes! My calculator! Are the batteries down there too?"

"How do you lose a calculator in a couch?" All I got was a shrug.

I finally found my mascara and promised myself I would investigate the couch soon. You never know what kind of potential Christmas presents could be down there.


Virginia said...

You should definitely investigate further! There might be MONEY down there!

Angie Peterson said...

Our couches like to eat cell phones and remotes. Sometimes even children: more than once the younger two have gotten their legs stuck.