Thursday, September 15, 2011

There's a Baby in There

Tonight at work I walked into a patient room and sat down on the stool. There was a 3 year old boy in there. When he saw me, his eyes widened and he leaned closer to his mom.

"Mommy!" he said in his exaggerated child whisper. "That lady's got a BIG belly"

His mom looked slightly embarrassed. I could hear her whisper back, "That's because there's a baby in there."


It was pretty funny.

7 Months
And yes there is a baby in there.


Anonymous said...

Mom- You're looking really cute!!

Lisa said...

I think so, too! Super cute!

Anonymous said...

Angie: Wow, you've really popped out this month! :)

Diana said...

You look so stinking good!