Tuesday, January 29, 2013

You Know That Awkward Moment When...

You know how when you come home from a long trip, you have a mountain load of laundry to do? And you put off washing them for a couple days because the task just seems too daunting? (You may have worn dirty clothes just to avoid the inevitable.) C'mon, you know we've all been there.

Well, rewind a couple weeks and that was exactly the situation I found myself in. There comes a point when you find yourself debating whether to wear dirty underwear or not, and you know it's time to draw the line. (I mean, not all of us have disposable underwear *cough Jackson cough*.) It took a couple days to wash what seemed like every article of clothing we owned. Not to mention the several hours in front of the tv it took to fold them. Finally after a long Sunday evening, I had washed, folded, and put away all of the laundry. *Phew* What a weight off my shoulders.

Fast forward a couple days. Spots. Random spots all over my arms. They didn't itch, they were just red. And big. I admired them for a couple minutes and then didn't think much of it. 2 days later, the red spots spread over my entire body accompanied by smaller spots. Concerned, Ryan mentioned the words "bed bugs", "common in apartments", "eating me alive"--no wait, I may have said that one.

Needless to say, it didn't take long for me to decide to throw all of the sheets, blankets, and pillow cases into the wash on the hottest, bug-killing setting. JUST IN CASE!

Well, folks. Jokes on me. I called my mom because not only was I red and spotted and blotchy, I was extremely itchy. She asked me if I had eaten anything or used anything new.

"Well," I responded. "Daddy gave me a new laundry detergent last week."

"Oh!" my mom exclaimed. "We gave that to you because Daddy is allergic to it. It gave him red spots."

Ooooh. Light bulb.

So you know that awkward moment when you are covered head-to-toe in hives and you realize you washed every article of clothing you owned, every bedding, every towel, and I might even add every pair of underwear in a laundry detergent you are probably allergic to?


Well, let me tell you, you're not missing much. Except for maybe an itchy, polka-dotted body and a huge pile of laundry needing to be (re)washed. De-ja-vu.

On the plus side--I hear polka dots are in style these days.

Jackson at the Disney store. He refused to wear that hat longer than 5 seconds.


Virginia said...

Sorry, Julie!

Virginia said...

Sorry, Julie!

Lisa said...

Poor Julie! Kaelyn totally knows what you are going through. I had to laugh, though. You're writing is just so entertaining and funny!

Diana said...

Haha oh sad! That totally sucks, but it is kind of funny. :) You really are a great writer. I am worried about that very thing right now actually... Pierscen has been breaking out in little red spots and I am quite positive it's the detergent. I bought some new laundry detergent but I am dreading rewashing everything!

Angie Peterson said...

I hear you've been battling this while I'm battling lice. We are both keeping the laundry detergent giants in business!