You know that awkward moment when I rewashed almost all of the laundry, and I was still breaking out in hives?
Well, I started investigating what else I could be allergic to...strawberries, bananas, milk, soap, dish detergent, etc. Nothing seemed to make a difference. I continually got more and more hives spreading down my body each night.
I was frustrated and itchy. It felt like I was getting slapped by rubber bands, not the best feeling in the world.
Finally after 2 weeks, I went to the doctor. I figured I could at least get steroids to help with the hives.
As I was sitting in the empty waiting room, this middle-aged lady came in nearly hacking her lung out. She checked in and made a beeline to sit down. She could have sat anywhere as I was the only other patient there, but she chose to sit right next to me. I'm a bit of a germaphobe when it comes to doctor's offices and was confused as to why she chose to sit so close. Where was my beloved courtesy seat? (What's a courtesy seat? Get to church 5 minutes late and try finding a place to sit. You will find that the only seats left are the ones smack dab in the middle of the row or the empty courtesy chairs next to every family.)
She was a nice lady. Unfortunetly, I did not appreciate her trying to share germs with me as she coughed in my direction. I tried to angle my body away from her without it being too obvious. I even contemplated moving across the room, but I thought it might be awkward to get up and sit somewhere else.
5 minutes later of barely breathing through my nose, I watched as the woman's husband walked in. He gave her her wallet and sat on the complete opposite side of the room. She didn't have a chair next to her for him to sit in. I was again thoroughly confused as to why she was sitting next to me instead of her husband.
I was concoting all sorts of theories when I was finally called in to see the doctor.
The nurse asked me why I was there, and I told her it was because I had hives.
"How do you know they're hives?" she remarked.
"I just assumed?" I stammered.
"Well, it could be a rash," she responded in a know-it-all voice.
I guess it could be? I didn't know there was much difference.
Anyways, to make a long story short, I am not allergic to anything. Instead, I have a viral infection that makes me have rashes everywhere. I guess most people who have it, start with it on the trunk of their body. I am part of the 6% who have it start on my extremities. Out of that 6%, 1 out of 4 people complain of itchiness. I guess I am in the minority.
I am relieved to have the mystery figured out. I wasted a lot of laundry detergent, but at least my clothes are extra clean!!
(And luckily for waiting room lady, I am not contagious.)