Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Letter for the Future

Dear Teenage Jackson,

As a toddler, you had many talents. One talent you had was leaving behind a path of destruction everywhere you went. You were like a tornado and should be very proud of your toddler mess-making skills.

However, despite your mess-making skills, you actually, on occasion, thought cleaning was fun (especially when Mom was cleaning)!

I'm not lying!
Are you still breathing?

Some of your favorite chores included: sweeping the floor, dustbusting the carpet, magic erasering random household objects, wiping down surfaces, putting away the dishes, and folding laundry.

You were a pretty good helper (as good as a 21 month old can be anyways).

But wait! There's more, Future Jackson! You would actually just start cleaning out of the blue, without being told to!

For example, in this video, I was lying in bed watching you magic eraser the furniture with no prompting from me whatsoever.

I guess the bedframe wasn't clean enough for your satisfaction. You had to take matters into your own hands.

And another:

Getting your morning clean on while watching Elmo.

Hopefully, I encouraged this behavior.

So Teenage Jackson, some day when you tell me you don't want to clean, I have proof that you not only cleaned without being told to, but you actually LIKED it!

It can't be all that bad, right?

Now go straighten up your room.



Char said...

He is going to get a kick out of reading this later haha!

I'm glad you are feeling better! I had the Pityriasis Rosea rash in January (no other symptoms lucky me) I bet you're glad to be done with all those pills..pills are seriously the worst. I gag them down Everytime.

Virginia said...

Jackson can come clean my house when he's finished with yours!