Sunday, September 15, 2013

Reset Button

Today has been one of those days.

You know, couldn't fall asleep 'til 4 am, 7:15 toddler wake up call, forgot my Young Women's lesson at home, spilled boiling hot food in my lap, whiney child kind of day.

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I could just hit the reset button and start these kind of days over.

And then I got to thinking...Hey, I may not be able to hit the reset button on my day, but I can hit the reset button on my attitude.

It's amazing how perspective can change the way you feel in an instant.

I was tired, cranky, and ready to call it a day when I realized that despite the difficulties, I am blessed with so much. I am blessed with a healthy child who smiles when I get him from his crib in the morning. I am blessed with a loving husband who will run home and get my lesson for me without a word of complaint. I am blessed with a cupboard full of food when many people are without. I am blessed to be alive.

When I thought about that, a weight of frustration was immediately lifted from my shoulders and gratitude filled my heart.

My day didn't seem so bad anymore.

I mean, how can I be upset when I have this little cutie keeping me company all day!

And let's not forget this one...first day of school as a 2L. 

Jackson and Mommy playing with blanket forts.


Guy and Nikki said...

Such a good attitude! Thanks for helping me keep things in perspective!

Char said...

So true! Attitude is everything.

Shauna Stephens said...

Loved this!! I've needed an attitude adjustment lately with my new calling and you just helped me get it, thanks.
cute pictures too!