Sunday, October 30, 2011


I had some money I needed to spend on Amazon, so the other day I ordered a Boppy pillow. I heard it's really useful and for some reason, this one pattern was $7 cheaper than the rest. I couldn't find anything wrong with it, so I went ahead and ordered it. I guess I should have paid more attention to the name.

Miss Cherry Boppy pillow.

I received the package yesterday and excitedly opened it. I pulled the packaging out and.... PINK? The pillow was light pink striped with pink cherries. It wouldn't be a big deal if I was having a girl and if I wasn't expecting it to be white with red cherries. Poor Jackson is just going to have to deal with his new pink pillow. Not exactly manly, but that's okay.

At least it was the pillow that turned out girly and not the baby--we would've had to rethink the nursery decoration, clothing selection, and name if Jackson turned out to be a GIRL.


Jenni said...

You could always make a cover for it. Just like a throw pillowcase with a zipper just shaped a little funky. I know there are patterns because they sell the pillow form at the fabric store. That's what we did...I mean my mom did for me :)It was cute she made it to match the nursery.

Lisa said...

I always put a blanket over it anyway. That way if the baby spills up or dribbles milk on it, only the blanket needs to be washed. Kaelyn had mostly boy stuff. She's still okay.

Angie Peterson said...

It's funny how with boys it is a big deal for them not to have pink. But for girls not such a big deal to have blue...