Monday, May 7, 2012

6 Months

Jackson is half a year old! 6 months!

I love this age. He is getting to be so much fun.

Jackson was being a little stinker when I was trying to take his 6 month photo. He kept rolling over and eating the blocks.


He finally cooperated though.

Here are some interesting facts about 6 month old Jackson:

--He can finally roll from his tummy to his back! I thought this day would never come. He is now mobile and can roll across the room. He has bonked his head a couple times on the entertainment center. Poor baby.

--He is trying to army crawl. He uses his head instead of his arms to move.

--He LOVES bath time and gets really excited for it. He splish splashes and giggles so much, I am soaked by the end of his bath.

--He has eaten rice cereal, apples, and bananas. He loved the baby apple food so much he wouldn't stop eating it and gave himself a stomachache.

--He is a world class traveler. He went to Georgia AND Washington this month. He did really well flying.

--He can sit up for awhile now before he topples over.

--Everytime I lay him in his crib to sleep, he will immediately turn onto his belly. He loves it and sleeps better that way.

For a 6 month celebration,  we took him to the zoo! He enjoyed people watching more than he liked looking at the animals. Although, he did LOVE the black and white lemurs.

He watched them for about 10 minutes.

He thought they were really funny.

 One was especially acrobatic and would leap from branch to branch and even hang onto the glass next to us. Jackson laughed and laughed. Here is a video we took.

He's our cute little primate.


Shauna Stephens said...

Jackson is Adorable! Thanks for always posting pictures and updating your blog with all the fun things you guys do.

Virginia said...

I'm glad Jackson had a good time! I don't blame him for liking the Lemurs. They were really cute.

Angie Peterson said...

Jackson is much more entertaining than lemurs. What a cutie!

Kaylynn said...

Jackson has the cutest smile... love it!! :)