Saturday, September 12, 2009

Gone fishin...

Yesterday I went my kitty's water. What did I catch? This:

Yes ladies and gentlemen, my cellphone took the ultimate plunge. Into my cat's water cup. Ryan and I are still investigating why my phone has turned suicidal in the last day or so causing it to jump out of my pocket into the deathly waters. Maybe it felt old and used. Tired of working all day. Too much burden and stress. Or maybe because her boyfriend, Ryan's Razor, will soon be replaced.

In desperate efforts, we have confined this pink Venus to a ziploc bag of rice in hopes of drying it out and preventing any other suicidal attempts. Hopefully soon, I will be able to talk some sense into it.


1 comment:

Lisa said...

Jorel, Skyler and I read this post and laughed. It's quite witty and very funny. Sorry about your phone!