Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Love My Husband...

And here are some reasons why:

1. He makes cute faces like this--

He gets especially excited when his rootbeer almost explodes. That's what you get when you forget about it in the freezer. Here is the aftermath.


2. He buys me pretty things like this--

And this--

3. He gets his cholesterol tested with me. The phlebotomist thinks he has good veins. Lucky him. She thinks mine stink. Oh well.

4. He's good with kids. I remember one time at church, he made this scary face at this little girl, and she LAUGHED! If I were to have done the same thing, she would have cried. Mean glares from the parents would have also resulted.

5. He makes funny faces with me.

This was at Temple Square.

6. He is a good eater. Every time I make something new, he declares, "This is the best _________ (fill in the blank) I have ever eaten!!" And then I giggle. Even though it's not true.

7. He got me my kitty. And we are the best of friends.

8. He is a competitive basketball player. He is okay with pushing people half his height around. Like me.

9. He buys me flowers for my birthday...even if it's not my birthday.

Like my new hippie look?

10. My husband is my Prince Charming. And I love him.

The end.


Angie Peterson said...

Ahhh, how sweet!

Lisa said...

I want to see you in that new dress!

Corinne Kelly B said...

i love this post! and the dress is really pretty. i second lisa :-) number 9 made me laugh