Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thanks Hubby!

One thing I have noticed about my pregnancy is that I am clumsy. Plain and simple. Before Baby, I was extremely coordinated and graceful...Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but I was not a clumsy person by any means. Below are lists to help you understand how clumsy I have become.

This past month I have spilled:
Water in the bed x4 (Luckily we have spare beds)
Water on the couch
Water on the floor (I think I am sensing a trend)
Enchilada sauce
A whole bag of sugar
Pickle juice
Freshly sliced tomatoes

I have dropped:
Cell phone

And I trip over my own feet.

I have at least one mishap a day.
I feel like a clown with big feet.

But some good news, I have a husband that will clean up after a bout of clumsiness. And will hand me water cups and say, "Don't spill." Thanks hubby!

2 Month Picture (Please ignore the baggy pants)


Lisa said...

Julie, I loved your clumsy stories. So funny!

JamiLeigh said...

It gets even better - just wait until you have a belly so big you can't see your feet and then you drop things! Haha. You will really need your husband's help then! So fun. :)