Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Where is My Chocolate Bar?

For Easter Sunday I made this really scrumptious pie. One of the ingredients for the pie was 1 oz of chocolate to melt and drizzle over the dessert. I figured this was a good excuse to buy my favorite chocolate bar.

Behold the chocolatey goodness!

I took about 1/4 of that deliciousness and used it for dessert, and figured the rest could be saved for later.

The next day I really wanted my chocolate bar. This is when the hunt for the chocolate bar began. It was kind of like our own little version of Easter egg hunting. (Edit: Ryan was actually the one looking. I was sitting on the couch directing him. Yes, I am sometimes lazy.) It was not where I left it. It was not in the cupboard. It was not in the Easter box my parents sent me. It was not in the fridge. It was not in our room. I told Ryan to look in the spice drawer or the junk drawer and he was like, "That's not where it belongs!" It wasn't in either place.

I was really sad. And pouted. And ate a pickle instead.

2 hours later, Ryan saved the day by randomly finding the Symphony chocolate bar. It was in the laundry room, of course!

Chocolate bars don't belong in laundry rooms.

Not sure how it got there, maybe Ryan's subtle hint that I need to do laundry soon?


Angie Peterson said...

I say blame it on the cat!

Eric said...

We used to keep our chocolate bars in the Laundry room! We kept them in the cabinet with all the laundry things. ...Then they started tasting like dryer sheets :(. So yes, "Chocolate bars don't belong in laundry rooms."